Over a week ago I’m guessing Stephon Clark was chillin with his young kids. Maybe in the same backyard that a few days later he would be killed – shot at 20 times by police officers who allegedly saw a weapon. It was a cellphone. With black people they always see a weapon when a weapon doesn’t exist. Maybe the weapon was simply that he was black and that was, once again, enough to murder someone not arrested, charged, or convicted of any crime. We’ve seen this most despicable play many times. And even if the cops are charges at all, history tells us that a jury will likely not convict them of murder or for any other crime.

A week later Mr. Clark is part of a insidious list of unarmed black people killed at the hands of the police. Protest fill the streets, the Sacramento Kings wear a t-shirt with a hashtag with his name on the back seeking accountability.

Also add this brother:

A deputy in Houston shot and killed an unarmed black man — days after Stephon Clark’s death


More In Depth:

Colorlines: Sacramento Officers Shoot Stephon Clark 20 Times in His Backyard

Police are still killing black people. Why isn’t it news anymore?
Washington Post: Police are still killing black people. Why isn’t it news anymore?

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