The Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear two cases challenging the use of race as a factor (amongst many) in college and law school admissions. It is undoubtedly the position of that the court upholds these provisions.

White privilege and white superiority is in the undertone of the affirmative action debate. Listen carefully. The opponents of affirmative action do not believe that any minority regardless of whether that minority is more qualified than the white applicant should take the place of a single qualified white person. It is the subconscious mindset of white supremacy (racism) where some whites cannot imagine a person of color being more intelligent, being more qualified. All things being equal (test scores and grades) a white person and black person absent affirmative action the universities would choose the white applicant. How do I know? Because that’s the way it was before the white schools were forced to integrate.

Also evident is the fact that minorities make up less than 10% of the big state schools and graduate schools. So the battle over affirmative action and diversity is the battle to consider race as a positive background for less than 10% of non-white persons. Therefore, it seems that the opponents of affirmative action propose that a university such as Michigan which is overwhelmingly white become even more white.

Which begs the question what about the 90% white student body. Can we really argue that amongst that 90% they are all more qualified than an African American student that did not get in because of a white student is a son of an alumni or because he is admitted simply because he is white. Isn’t it more evidence that the white students get in school more because of their race than African American or Hispanic students? Look at the numbers.

The goal of affirmative action seeks to overcome the overwhelming yet subconscious assumption of white privilege and superiority. It is ironic that one of the plaintiffs challenging the Michigan policy is a white woman. White women have been the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action more than any other class of persons but are now amongst the least likely to support it, despite strong support by African American women. Proving that race often trumps gender.
