As if it wasn’t enough that the Coronavirus disproportionately affects the black community we still have to deal with basic issues of justice like the ongoing killing of unarmed black men by white people. The most recent and shocking episode is the killing of jogger Ahmaud Armery, a 25 year old young man, chased down and murdered by white men, for the crime of jogging. These white men are not even police officers. Just some dudes who believed it was there right to take this man’s life. 

As of this post these men still walk free, the prosecutor refused to charge the men as this prosecutor apparently believes that adage from Dred Scot remains true and completely constitutional that the black man has “no rights which the white man was bound to respect”.

A litany of black celebrities Instagram posts have attempted to shed light on this horrific matter including: Spike Lee, Janelle Monet, Public Enemy, and Jamie Foxx. Former Vice-President and Democratic Nominee Joe Biden has also spoken out. However, other woke celebrity allies remain eerily silent.


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