In two cases involving racial discrimination in jury selection Clarence Thomas voted against black defendants. In one case Johnson v....
When is it time for leaders of ‘the revolution’ to step down, step to the side and let the next...
Post-Mortem on Post-Election Post-Mortems By Michael Novick Post-mortems seem to be very popular these days. Kathy Reichs, Patricia Cornwell and...
By all statistical accounts the four years of George W. Bush has been one of the worse administrations in American... the online news and educational website aimed at people of color recently merged and was subsequently subsumed by AOL...
Togo is an example of a failed neo-colonial nation-state that had the natural course of political development had occurred would...
The tumultuous Presidency of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez came to a head when the people of Venezuela again voted to...
The re-election of George W. Bush as President of the United States has sparked as much controversy (at least online)...
Maybe Lincoln should have let the red states go. There are too many fundamental disagreements with the direction this country...
I am one of many who still rage about the 2000 election. Both at the outright injustice of all the...
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